Landscape #31963 60x45”appliqued and stitched fabrics and fibers, acrylic paintcoll. of Miami-Dade College
Landscape #41963 48x51”appliqued and stitched fabrics and fibers’private collection
Collage in Black and White1967 41x37”mixed media collage coll. of Museum of Arts and Design, NYC
"I Own a Liberty Bond"1965 66x42”mixed media collageprivate collection
The US and Harper-Hill1969fabric collageprivate collection
Army Shirt #31970n 52x36”fabric collage
Opera Coat1968 62x45”fabric collagecoll. of Museum of Arts and Design,NYC
Marsha's Coat Quilt1975 60x44”mixed media collage and quiltingprivate collection
Seminole Landscape1975 96x144”fabric & fiber coll. of Miami,FL Musa Isle Residence